
During the 2005 L.I.T. Mission Trip, God spoke through Trent in a powerful way. You will notice that he first stumbles through the words, then you can see a boldness that builds in him as the Holy Spirit takes control. After he spoke, there were more than 25 decisions for Christ. 
During the 2009 L.I.T. Mission Trip, Jordan (5th grader) shares his testimony on the last night of the trip. What he shared truly brought all of the adults on the trip to tears. It was very obvious that the Holy Spirit spoke through Jordan that night. 
On a follow-up trip to our 2008 L.I.T. Mission Trip in Texas, Sarah (5th grader) taught a group of new Christians about how to share their faith. In the fall of that year, Sarah taught 1st grade Sunday school in the church. 