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Mission Trip ImpactDSC 7452

We are blessed to continue hearing stories of preteens who have returned home from the L.I.T. Mission Trip exhibiting a confidence and passion to share their faith. One of the children’s ministers who attended the Texas mission trip shared with me about one of her fifth-grade boys who attended the mission trip. Shortly after getting home from the trip, he felt led of the Lord to do a Bible study in his neighborhood. He led with confidence from what he had learned on the missin trip. By the end of the week, he had led a little boy to Christ. The joy of hosting the yearly mission trips is seeing what happens to preteens and leaders who attend. They gain a boldness for Christ and a passion to share His Good News after their return home.


Training in Zambia

10348594 10152621966500759 1731857153383714911 nJeffrey Mwamwa will be traveling to Zambia to lead a training conference for L.I.T. September 27-28. They say they will have 80 area leaders attending the training there. Please pray for Jeffrey for safe travel and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in his life as he trains and releases these leaders.




Conversion and Discipleship by Clint May

The question about conversion versus discipleship has been in my mind for the past 28 years of ministry. I have come to realize each day as I walk with the Lord that we are called to make Clint Maydisciples. Bill Hull makes it clear: “Conversion and discipleship, you cannot do one without the other.” Last night, I had the privilege of working with four sixth-grade boys at my church. I shared with them that conversion is a starting point for their new life in Christ. At the point of conversion, a person comes to the realization of their lost condition before a holy God. Through their grasp of the redemptive grace of God, they come to the place of repentance of sin, belief in Jesus Christ, and acceptance of forgiveness for their sins. For many, however, it stops there. They never move forward in their understanding of what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ. It was a joy explaining to these guys God’s greater purpose for our lives. Jesus tells us, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

You see, this was me at age nine. It wasn’t until I was 27 years of age that I came to an understanding that I must give up my life to Christ to truly find it and the abundant life He promises. When I did, my life was never the same. Over the past 15 years, it has been a joy watching the lightbulb go on in the minds and hearts of children and preteens in the church. Surrender is the next step beyond conversion in order to step into the abundant life we have in Christ. Through surrender, a child gives the Holy Spirit permission to take control. When they surrender their will to Him, He begins the transformation process. As Steven Curtis Chapman said years ago, “This is the great adventure.” This year so far, I have learned a lot about how to get the word out about what we do as a ministry. I am excited to say that we have 28 new churches in the United States that have joined the L.I.T. family. The churches span thirteen states and multiple denominations. Please lift up these churches in your prayers as they begin the journey with hundreds of children. We are also expanding our influence in multiple countries internationally—Cape Town, South Africa, Tanzania, Congo, Zimbabwe, and Zambia. God has opened many amazing doors as we have committed to provide what the Lord has given us to third-world countries around the world. We covet your prayers for wisdom and grace as we move forward as a ministry. I pray that the Lord will bless you. May His grace abound on you and yours.

Dr. Clint May

President, L.I.T. Ministries

This Month’s Prayer Needs


  • For the Lord’s continued provision for the ministry
  • For international churches that are catching the vision of discipling and releasing children in ministry
  • For our new L.I.T. churches in thirteen states
  • For the continued exposure the ministry is having internationally

Prayer requests:

  • For the many new churches starting L.I.T. and Nehemiah Kids this fall
  • For churches in their move from a conversion-focused to a discipleship-focused model
  • For Jeffrey as he trains in Zambia September 27-28
  • For open doors for next year’s L.I.T. Mission Trips (We have secured two sites.)
  • For Clint, for wisdom as he works on writing a book this fall
  • For wisdom as we develop the new Csalt student devotionals