Kid Power Camp is an interactive Bible study led by children and preteens. Before preteens arrive in the city for their mission trip, the church will walk themKid Power Camp through training for the trip. Churches that sign up will be given the resources to properly prepare their preteens and students for missions. Here is what is including in the training and prep for the trip:

  1. Every mission trip, L.I.T.s will learn the mission trip songs. Churches are encouraged to begin learning the songs on a regular basis during regular Sunday and Wednesday activities. Children and preteens will learn them very quickly with repetition.
  2. Students and leaders are provided devotionals that prepare their hearts for the mission trip.
  • Children and students will develop their personal testimonies and learn to share them with a large group on the trip.
  • They will be taught an effective way to counsel lost children.
  • They will study together the Bible studies that will be taught on the mission trip.
  • They will learn how to tell the Bible story using interactive lessons.
  • They will learn simple crafts that will be taught at the Kid Power Camp sites.
  • They will learn how to give a clear evangelistic message and how to invite children to respond to their message.

L.I.T. will provide you with full support as you prepare your group for the mission trip.

