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L.I.T. Fire-Partner vlog-Russ Zacek

Jan 13

3 min read


Hello Friends,

The new adventure has begun.  God is going ahead of me in my daily path.  I am placing myself in His care and presence and asking Him to lead, guide, provide, care and send me.  After studying “The Divine Conspiracy” by Dallas Willard and the Sermon on the Mount that it unpacks, I have decided to pursue a life of intimacy with God on a day to day basis. 

I am trying to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”  I am leaning into the reality that God clothes the lilies and feeds the sparrows, so He will even more take care of me.  I have set aside and put in the past my career as a staff pastor at Church Alive.  It has been a joy and a celebration to walk that path for about the past 20 years.  That story is one I will tell another time, but it had become a plateau – a place of safety and complacency where I could have rested and served out my days. 

But God was calling my heart to an adventure.  He was drawing me to step out of the boat and walk on the water to Him.  This meant saying goodbye to a good salary with a steady paycheck.  It meant saying goodbye to the favor and respect I had been given for serving for decades in ministry.  It meant relinquishing the ability to influence major decisions and strategy for a great, growing church.

But those things were not the things God was showing me in the future.  He wanted me to trust Him for provision, to allow Him to lead me to new relationships of possibility and ministry.  He wants to write new stories through my journeys and travels, with new pastors, new churches, new kids, new places and new communities that need to hear about Jesus.

And, in that process, He wants me to write stories that inspire others to take the leap of faith before them.  He wants me to reveal what a great God he is and how He provides for His missions and purposes.  He wants to show the world that He is in the miracle work today, that He has dreams for His people to live out now.  He has not given up on humanity.  No!  He wants to reach people as much now as ever!   And, He is looking for you to partner with Him to see these miracles and missions happen.

There are children being born today that will be preaching in your cities in the next 2 decades and bringing a harvest of hungry people into the church through the Holy Spirit working in them.  And God wants us to do the work of preparing the way for this to happen. 

The Great Commission is for you and I.  It is for today – January 2025 and moving forward.  “Therefore, Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you; and lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20.


We must pray, so God will ignite the mission with His power.

We must give so the missionaries can be released to go talk to the pastors, the churches and the students and caste the vision.

We must go – God has called us all to reach the next generations.  He has given the blueprints and instructions to achieve the victory.  Now – he needs the laborers to be sent out.


This is where I call on you to partner with me.  God is going to do this work.  We at Leaders In Training are going to be faithful to carry it out.  But we need your prayers, your gifts of donations, and your leads and muscle to reach your cities and churches.


  • Pray for Leaders In Training, Dr. Clint May, and myself (Russ Zacek) every day.  This is the best and most powerful thing you can do.

  • Become a monthly partner – rejoice in supporting a mission that will change the world through kids. Click here to donate! Add "Support Russ" in note.

  • Refer me to your local church so I can reach out to your pastor, your youth and kids pastor or leaders.  I want to share the power of what God can do through your kids and teens.

  • Get ready to schedule a local mission trip in your city and sign up to go with us to reach your neighborhoods.

Jan 13

3 min read




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