Student Testimonies

Madison2The Spirit of God Fell Upon Me by Madison Lowrie
L.I.T. is more than just a single chapter of my story; the ministry’s impact is woven into the very tapestry of my entire life. The tagline of the ministry “empowering the next generation” is more than just a saying; it is a lifestyle, intertwined into the very DNA of all that is involved in the program. The founders believe and implement the truth that there is no such thing as a “junior” Holy Spirit, and because of that call-to-action and their passion for His kingdom to come to Earth, my life has forever been changed. My salvation story began at an early age and was followed by water baptism shortly thereafter.
Apartment Group Shot 2019 03 07 18 15 54 UTCHowever, the Spirit of God fell upon me and my fellow L.I.T. brothers and sisters during our mission trip to Jersey Village when we were baptized by the fire of the Holy Spirit. We all had the foundations of daily Bible reading, weekly discipleship, learning to fall in love with the Word of God, and memorizing critical verses all while becoming more and more emboldened in our faith. But that week, we encountered God in a way that can never be shaken or taken away from us. True repentance—complete and total mind shift—was the result. Our leaders listened to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and trusted Him, stepping into the unknown, and His kingdom flooded that place in a tangible manner. Due to my foundation in L.I.T., I fall back on the simplicity of how a masking tape cross on a church floor ushered in the glory of God, and I remember the power of letting go and trusting Him. L.I.T. encouraged me to learn about God, taught me discipline in my studies, connected me with a community of believers, empowered me to share my faith in brave obedience, and led me to the cross. L.I.T. ushered me into the throne room and provided a space to encounter God that I will continue to carry throughout my days.
a prayer