
“Clint, It’s Okay Not to Do Anything.”

coming and goingI was at a point in ministry where I was meeting myself coming and going. I was a full-time children’s pastor and doctoral student plus I was working part-time with a growing ministry. At the same time, I was in the best shape I had been in years. I had lost 60 pounds and was working out and exercising five days a week.

While I was exercising, I started feeling pain in my right shoulder. Instead of slowing down or stopping, I thought I would push through the pain like I did in my younger years. What I did not realize was that I had torn my rotator cuff. It started around April, and by the end of the summer, I could no longer raise my arm from my side. The pain was overwhelming.

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If the Lord Called You to Drop Everything and Follow Him, Would You?

Stepping Out in FaithIn the fall of 2013, I was ministering as a full-time children’s pastor, working part-time with L.I.T. (Leaders In Training), and attending seminary to earn my doctorate. I was overwhelmed, and I did not feel like I could take it much longer. I sought the Lord. There was so much pressure from all three sides, but I had peace and chose to stay right where I was.

I performed my responsibilities as expected. My pastor had expectations, and I did what he asked of me. I truly loved what I was doing. At the same time, the Lord was growing L.I.T. If you have ever heard anyone say, “I have been meeting myself coming and going,” that was me. I was at the point where I just could not give much more.

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Only Half of Our Kids Are Doing Daily Quiet Times!

Sammy called me up and seemed a bit discouraged.1 Bible study

She said, “I talked with our kids last night, and only half of them are doing daily quiet times.”

I asked her, “How many were doing them before?”

She said, “None.”

I said, “Praise the Lord! Half of the kids in your church are doing daily quiet times. That’s amazing!”

She thought momentarily and understood my excitement, which changed her perspective.

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When God Called We Ran The Other Way

If you are like me, you are a rebel at heart.
Move This Mountain

When the Lord first called my wife and me to ministry, we were like Jonah.

We ran the other way!

We were not interested in going into full-time ministry.

I felt the Lord was drawing me to full-time ministry, but the Lord hadn't told Vicki that yet.

When I told her I felt called to ministry, she said,

“You can forget that. I am not about to go and wait for you with four kids while you go to seminary.”

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