Grade School

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Nehemiah Kids Grade School Discipleship Materials

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The heart of L.I.T. Ministries is to take children and preteens through the discipleship process so that they 
  1. know Christ as their personal Savior and Lord,
  2. live each day surrendered to Christ,
  3. spend time daily in the Word of God and apply what they have learned,
  4. have fervent prayer lives and actively worship the Lord,
  5. regularly share the Gospel with their friends and family and live mission-minded lives,
  6. serve in the church using their spiritual gifts(s), and
  7. live in full obedience to Christ.

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If your church cannot afford the materials, don't hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will be glad to assist you.
