
Shifting to True North

facebookIf you hold a compass in your hand, the main needle will point true north.

People have navigated the seas and crossed countries with a compass.

Our true north in the Church is Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:2).

He is our Focal Point for the body of Christ, our True North, our Commander and Chief. He has given an order, and He promises to empower those who obey that order (Acts 1:8).

I have witnessed God working in children, preteens, and students in unique ways, as I shared earlier.

It has turned my whole perspective of the Church upside down.

As I began to see young saints being used by God in powerful ways, I found a connection that was quite amazing.

Unfortunately, somehow this is missing in the Church today.

When my focus in children’s ministry turned to Christ and His Commission, that is when I saw the Spirit of God show up in supernatural ways.

I found that God was frequently working directly opposite from what I had learned to do.

I looked at children in age groups and believed they were able to do or comprehend only certain things about God, so we often put limitations on them.

What I have discovered since, however, is that God can and will work in their lives when the adults get out of the way and allow Him to do so.

Sadly, we have become a hindrance to the children in our churches by putting limits on them based on age. In public education, this might be true; however, in the body of Christ, we are not constrained by age.

Everyone receives the full package at new birth.

This blog post is taken from the book Going Deep, Taking Children Into The Spiritual Depths With God, by Clint May. 
