TAKING A STEP OF FAITH-L.I.T. April Newsletter
In 2015, I stepped down from my position as Children’s Pastor at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas.
It did not make sense at the time because the money just wasn’t there to be able to survive financially.
But I knew that if I did not follow the Lord’s leadership, I would be disobeying Him.
He called me to trust Him and do that. As time passed, I felt an urgency to obey. So, I gave my resignation, and my last day shortly followed.
From that point forward, the Lord has blessed us beyond what Vicki and I could have imagined.
About two weeks ago, I was praying for the Lord’s future direction for L.I.T.
I was sensing in my heart that as a ministry we were no longer to charge for our resources but to give them away for free.
I had my questions and doubts. To do so would be giving up one-third of our ministry income.
About four hours later, I received a phone call from a friend, and the first question out of his mouth was, “Clint, do you think God wants you to give L.I.T. resources away?”
Once I heard that question, I knew the Lord had made it clear for me.
At that moment, I said, “Lord, I trust You. This ministry is Yours, and these resources are Yours. We will give them away.”
From the moment I said, “yes,” the Lord has opened so many doors for ministry opportunities, it is hard to describe.
L.I.T. is now positioned to impact the lives of millions of children globally.
By the end of April 2021, we will have translated our Leadership Training materials into Hindi, Tami, Odiya, Malayalam, and French.
Our Board of Directors met on April 8 and approved this new direction.
As the days move forward, I will update you on the many ministry opportunities that have opened with more details.
We invite churches to pay-it-forward.
There is no longer a cost for churches or organizations to gain access to any of our resources.
However, we are asking them to pay-it-forward so that we can translate and offer our materials for free to the Church globally.
Whether they can or cannot afford it, we are trusting the Lord to provide.
We do this to reach thousands of children with the Gospel and to disciple, equip, and release them for ministry and missions.
There is a Catch, However, for Churches and Organizations.
They must go through our training before they are granted access to the materials. L.I.T. has a unique approach to children’s ministry.
L.I.T. Leadership Training helps shift the paradigm for children’s ministry leaders.
The training moves them from the ministry model of children just sitting and listening to a model where children serve in the church.
We train them how to reach children with the Gospel and then disciple and equip them so that every child discovers their identity and purpose in the body of Christ.
This is key to their success.
Having Everything in Place By May 30th
We plan to have everything in place to move forward with our new ministry model by May 30. Will you help us pay-it-forward? Becoming a monthly ministry partner helps us meet our monthly operation budget and expand our reach in the U.S. and globally. We also invite you to adopt a language. For $500, you can adopt a language and pay for its translation.
Spring PAY-IT-FORWARD Fundraiser
God has opened many new doors of ministry for L.I.T. These opportunities will expand our reach into many countries with unreached children.
Our goals are to reach children with the Gospel of Christ, disciple, equip, and release them for ministry in the church and the mission.
We would love for you to join us for our “Pay It Forward” Online Spring Fundraiser.
The event will be Monday, May 3, from 7:00-7:30 p.m.
It will be brief with the focus on celebrating what God is doing through L.I.T. Ministries.
You can R.S.V.P. by clicking here.
Prayer Points:
- For the new direction, the Lord is taking us on.
- Pra continued provision for L.I.T.
- Praise the Lord for the translation work that is completed.
Prayer Request:
- For open doors for ministry in Atoka, Oklahoma
- We have over 140 signed up for our summer mission trip to Atoka, Oklahoma
- For God’s continued provision for L.I.T.
- For God’s provision during our Spring Pay-It-Forward fundraiser.