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We Want Our Kids to Be Able to Explain the Gospel, June 2023 Newsletter

We Want Our Kids to Be Able to Explain the Gospel by Michele WhitneyPicture1

Our family is so excited to go on the L.I.T. mission trip and share the Good News of Jesus with others. Since January, we’ve put the L.I.T. devotional and curriculum into our daily Bible study routine. We’ve challenged each other to get each Bible verse memorized as we’ve worked our way through the material. Each week we added a new verse to our verse wall. I continue to give the kids stickers each Friday if they can recite all of the verses. They’ve done an excellent job.

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We Have a House Full of Jesus Lovers L.I.T. Newsletter April 2023

We Have a House Full of Jesus Lovers by DeAnn NoyesIMG 4139

In the spring of 2019 when the Lord introduced me to Clint and Leaders In Training, I had several prayer burdens for the children and families that attended our ministry. The first was that the children and youth would know the Lord more deeply and recognize their ability to serve Him for His Kingdom purposes right now, at their ages. Second, that parents would be equipped to effectively disciple their children at home. Third, that we would be able to reach the multiple apartment communities around us with the gospel of Jesus Christ. At the time, we had a midweek service that was anemic, with only one family attending and one servant committed to ministering to those three children. There was no midweek service for our youth. Churches in our area were all discontinuing their midweek services due to low attendance. 

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First Things First -March Newsletter

L.I.T. Empowering The Next Generation Conference, Burkina Faso by Heidi HayslipHeidi Hayslip

We cannot tell you how providential this training was. God connected us with this new system of discipleship for kids and with Pastor Isaac from Zambia. It was all God. And we saw that this was just the thing to take our children's pastors to the next level. God loves the children of Burkina so much that He is setting them up to be activated in their faith, and used by the Holy Spirit to be disciples that make disciples!

This 3-Day training was SO POWERFUL and well received. People said it was a total paradigm shift. They cannot wait to put it into practice. 

God's presence was with us those 3 days, and the teaching was so anointed and rich. We praise God for it. People have been thanking me (Heidi) and the speaker again and again every day since the conference. Thank you for making this happen! Clear here to hear Pastor Isaac’s prayer of blessing.

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I Miss Being a Children's Pastor, February Newsletter

I Miss Being a Children's Pastor by Dr. Clint MayPicture3

You may think I am a little crazy, but I miss those days of being at church every week as a children’s pastor. I miss seeing the kids coming to church and being there to welcome them with loving arms. I call it my kid fix. Kids bring life to me. There are a lot of people just like me in churches everywhere.

God has wired us differently. We can be in a room with kids that are seemingly going nuts, but that's right where we want to be. For the uncalled, they look at us and shake their heads in bewilderment. They think we are crazy. Children's ministry is a definitely a calling!

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Children Are Like Stealth Fighters—Flying Under the Radar, January 2023

Years ago, we prayed for an open door at Greenbriar Elementary School in Fort Worth, Texas.2005 01 23 13.27.45

We desired to share the Gospel with as many children as we could.

The Lord answered our prayers with a Yes.

During the next several weeks, many children trusted Christ as their Savior.

These were exciting times, but we did not want to leave it there.

We taught those children how to pray and spend time with the Lord daily, and we were committed to training them on how to share their faith.

Then, we encouraged them to go and tell others about the Lord.

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