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Third Grade Missionary (L.I.T. February Newsletter)

Third-Grade MissionaryEthan and Bradley

Ethan has a friend at school who is an outspoken atheist. Ethan has been praying for his friend to come to the Lord for more than a year, and recently, he has been actively talking to this friend about Jesus. In addition to this friend, Ethan found out that there is another girl in his class at school who is not a believer, and Ethan felt burdened to share Christ with her as well. One Friday afternoon when his mom picked him up from school, Ethan began telling her about this girl. He asked his mom if he could bring his Bible to school so that he could share Bible stories with the girl. His mom of course agreed, but his older sister challenged him: “Ethan, how are you going to do that?” He replied, “I’m going to start a God Club at recess. I’m going to start on Monday.”

Since Ethan started this God Club during recess at his school, his friend who was an outspoken atheist has professed his faith in Jesus and is now helping Ethan lead the club! It is so great to see how God is working in these children, in Ethan’s family, in our church, and in the world through children. (Picture is of Ethan and his older brother Bradley) Read more of Ethan's story

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L.I.T. Ministries, January 2019 Newsletter

Looking Forward to a Great 2019!

Greetings from Benbrook, Texas. I pray that the Lord will bless you this New Year with many opportunities to serve Him. We are looking forward to a great year in 2019. The L.I.T. Board of 92Directors met this week to look at 2019. Many doors of opportunity have opened for the ministry this year. As the ministry expands, we are taking steps to support the churches we are working with in the United States and internationally. We have seen amazing success with our online training. Churches from India, Indonesia, Africa, and many others have gone through our training, and it is having an impact on children and leaders there. We are planning a training event on March 4-6 of this year. Through this training, we will certify trainers for both the United States and internationally. We will also be recording this event, in which we will be sharing practical ways to disciple and engage children in ministry and missions. The training will be offered online for free to any church in the U.S. and internationally. L.I.T. is having a growing influence in many third-world countries, and they have requested many times for us to come to their countries to train their leadership. We hope to train and certify leaders who will travel overseas to equip leaders in multiple countries.

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There Is Nothing Kids Can’t Do for God! December 2018 Newsletter

There Is Nothing Kids Can’t Do for God!Boy by sign

In this newsletter, I want to highlight some of the amazing stories of children being used by God through prayer and ministry. We have truly been blessed knowing the impact L.I.T. is having in the United States and internationally. We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. 

Dr. Clint May, President, L.I.T. Ministries

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L.I.T. Ministries November 2018 Newsletter

L.I.T. in Peidras Negras, Mexico, Shares the Gospel and 30 Children Are Saved

Leaders In Training is equipping the next generation to be a part of The Great Commission in Piedras Negras, Mexico. This young man, 14-year-old Cesar Santos, recently led 30 children to Christ. To have 46239290 321292022023560 4987188141463961600 naccomplished this, you may look at this picture and be led to believe he is a confident, experienced, dynamic speaker. He may well be on his way in that direction, but he is a young man who absolutely prefers to serve quietly in the background and not with his voice in front of others.

This was Cesar’s very first time ever teaching a Bible lesson. Now in his second year of L.I.T., Cesar is a Leaders In Training students from our Vine Library Outreach Program. We first met Cesar at 8 years old. He began attending the afternoon Reading Club with his younger sister. He quickly became a very accomplished reader, excelling in any of our library challenges.

He began to miss days. We discovered his father was at times an abusive alcoholic and that his mom was working extra to support the family through these trying times. God allowed us to begin to minister to his family. Cesar, his sister, and his mom began to attend church with us regularly.

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October 2018 Newsletter

L.I.T. with SWBTS Korean Seminarians’ Preteens by Minhee Cho

We are in our 7th week of L.I.T. with 7 preteens from 6 families. We meet weekly on Saturdays for two and a half hours to praise and worship God andKorean Church Two then break into ministry teams (worship dance, service, and teaching). Then, we have a group time of devotion. Biweekly, each ministry team is expected to minister to other ministry teams with their gifts and talents shortly after their own meeting. Worship dance team taught moves to the rest of the group, and the service team put together a project to make 20 bags of care kits for the homeless. Teaching is an opportunity for kids to take a turn to articulate an upcoming memory verse. God’s been gracious and encouraging us with fruits. We are already seeing transformation of hearts and perspectives, not just in kids but also in families. One of the parents excitedly shared that other adults have noticed a difference in their daughter’s interactions with friends and told them that she’s been talking with Christ in mind. As you read this, I covet your prayers for these kids to continue to grow in love with the Lord and to live a life of obedience. All the glory goes to our Lord!

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