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Empowering Children to Proclaim the Gospel-April Newsletter

In these unprecedented times, our only hope is in the Lord. However, for many around us, they don’t know that hope we have in Christ. We have an amazing opportunity Waxahachieto use social media or other electronic means to proclaim the Good News of Christ. I pray that you will encourage the children and preteens in your church to reach out to their lost friends through social media, FaceTime, or by a simple phone call. They are the most effective in reaching their friends with the Gospel. We know that they can do it. We have witnessed it on many occasions. God has used children to proclaim the Gospel in multiple settings. This summer, we planned our 30th mission trip. We have seen more than 3,000 preteens on mission trips since 2004, and they have led 1,000+ people to Christ.

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L.I.T. January 2020, Newsletter

Training International LeadersTraining shot

The Lord continues to bless us with the opportunity to invest in international leaders. This past January 27-28, L.I.T. Ministries hosted our Empowering The Next Generation training in our home office in Benbrook. We had a small group this time, but those who we trained have a reach outside the United States. Mark and Danna McCutchen have been missionaries in Brazil for more than 30 years. They left the training event very excited about training leaders in Brazil. Mary and Enoch are from South Korea and are students from Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth. Mary will graduate in December and will be heading back to South Korea. She hopes to use what she learned from our training. Click here for our upcoming training dates. (From left to right: Caleb Lapointe, Enoch Choie, Mary, Dana and Mark McCutchen, Clint May)

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Our Wednesday Evening Children's Ministry is Now Full of Life! L.I.T. Ministries January Newsletter 2020

by DeAnn Noyles, Horizon Christian Fellowship, Littleton, ColoradoPicture2

We implemented the L.I.T. program in May of 2019, and we have seen God answer many long-awaited prayers! We had been seeking God for years with the burdens of equipping families to better disciple their children in the Lord, equipping kids to serve God now in their youth, and reaching kids in our community. God has used L.I.T. to answer all of these and more.

At our church, our Wednesday night service has transitioned from being extremely anemic to full of life! Our children’s ministry grew from one family in attendance and one teacher pouring into them to 13 adults and 17 or so children attending regularly! We had no midweek program for Jr. High students, and now we have 100% participating in L.I.T. with their own discipleship group. We have integrated them into our ministry teams as well, and two of those young ladies are DG leaders themselves.

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I spent my first 13 years in ministry focusing on evangelizing children

It has been an amazing, busy, but rewarding year! I have seen and witnessed things in 2019 that have made it evident that the Lord is raising up kids for His kingdom purpose today. When I surrendered to full-time ministry in 1988, Pressleylittle did I know that it would be in children’s ministry. I had no idea! But it has been my greatest joy reaching children with the Gospel. Then, the Lord gave me new direction in the summer of 2002 with L.I.T. (Leaders In Training). After spending my first 13 years in ministry focusing on evangelizing children, I realized the Lord had a greater plan for their lives today. He created them for a relationship with Him. I continued reaching lost children with the Gospel, but I turned my focus on making disciples as I taught children how to walk with the Lord and how to tell others about Him. In doing this, I saw change and transformation like I had never seen before. They met their King and Savior and became passionate about walking with and following Him daily.

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L.I.T. October 2019 Newsletter-L.I.T. in Piedras Negras, Mexico

L.I.T. in Piedras Negras, Mexico Update by Alex and Diana Aburto

71584243 10157772018294558 1342838365661167616 oL.I.T. students and staff from Vine and Branches Ministry, Piedras, Negras, Mexico, headed an hour down the road to Acuña City for a day-long mission trip. We invited 35 children from the ranching community to come to our friend’s farm for the day. The students were the missionaries sharing the Gospel, counseling those who desired to accept Christ, sharing their testimonies, leading the worship, games, and class time while their mentors looked on and encouraged them. It was so delightful to watch the L.I.T.s trust God to work through them (for some their first time on a mission trip), leading outreach or responding to the Holy Spirit guiding in this way.




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